Comparative Anatomy and Physiology

Comparative Anatomy and Physiology

Printed: 26.99 $
Series: Orange Line Academic Books
Genres: Biology & Biochemistry & Anatomy, Science & Nature & Philosophy Books
Publisher: e-Kitap Projesi & Cheapest Books
Publication Year: 2016
Format: (Printed)
Length: English, 5.5" x 8.5" (14 x 22 cm), 568 pages
ASIN: 1539398234
ISBN: 9781539398233

COMPARATIVE ANATOMY is the science of the structure of animals, considered in their relation to one another;
COMPARATIVE PHYSIOLOGY deals with the Functios of the parts of which these animals are made up and by examining different forms that present various kinds of activities it throws light on the essential properties of living matter.

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About the Book

The study of animals is but a part of the wider science the study of organised matter generally the science of which takes plants as well as animals the objects of its investigations. Under the head biological studies we have therefore to group;  

(a) Those which regard organims as working machines capable of performing various functions these studies are physiological whether animals or plant be separately or simultaneously examined 

(b) The second place the parts which the organism is made up may be investigate and studies are then said be anatomical, we concern ourselves with isolated types as does the student of human anatomy; or they are morphological when we compare organisms and their parts one with another; and try to draw out the significance of isolated facts and to learn their bearing the general scheme of the organisation of living matter.. 

The present work is concerned only with animals but as there is a fundamental resemblance between Plants and Animal it is in the first place necessary to enquire into the characters and modes of activity ofliving matter, pure and simple without any question as to whether it be animal or vegetable..

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