Horror Books
The Devil In Britain and America

The Devil In Britain and America

Printed: 14.99 $eBook: 3.99 $

To my thinking, all modern English books on the Devil and his works are unsatisfactory. They all run in the same groove, give the same cases of witchcraft, and, moreover, not one of them is illustrated. I have endeavoured to remedy this by localizing my facts, and by reproducing all the engravings I could find suitable to my purpose.
I have also tried to give a succinct account of demonology and witchcraft in England and America, by adducing authorities not usually given, and by a painstaking research into old cases, carefully taking everything from original sources, and bringing to light very many cases never before republished.

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Frankenstein: or “The Modern Prometheus”

Frankenstein: or “The Modern Prometheus”

Printed: 12.99 $eBook: 2.99 $

Generally known as Frankenstein, is a novel written by the British author Mary Shelley. The title of the novel refers to a scientist, Victor Frankenstein, who learns how to create life and creates a being in the likeness of man, but larger than average and more powerful.

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The Valley of Fear

The Valley of Fear

Printed: 11.99 $eBook: 2.99 $

"I am inclined to think—" said I.
"I should do so," Sherlock Holmes remarked impatiently.
I believe that I am one of the most long-suffering of mortals; but I'll admit that I was annoyed at the sardonic interruption. "Really, Holmes," said I severely, "you are a little trying at times."
He was too much absorbed with his own thoughts to give any immediate answer to my remonstrance. He leaned upon his hand, with his untasted breakfast before him, and he stared at the slip of paper which he had just drawn from its envelope. Then he took the envelope itself, held it up to the light, and very carefully studied both the exterior and the flap.

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The Last Man: “A Pandemic Novel”

The Last Man: “A Pandemic Novel”

Printed: 16.99 $eBook: 3.99 $

The Last Man is a post-apocalyptic science fiction novel by Mary Shelley, which was first published in 1826. The book tells of a future world that has been ravaged by a plague. The novel was harshly reviewed at the time, and was virtually unknown.

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True Ghost Stories

True Ghost Stories

Printed: 11.99 $eBook: 3.99 $

HEREWARD CARRINGTON, author of “True Ghost Stories,” is well known in this country, and in Europe, as a prominent scientific writer on psychical and occult subjects. His writings are well known, and have earned him a high place in psychical circles. He’s a late member of Council of the American Scientific Society, of the American Geographical Society, and of the American Health League. He has travelled all over the country investigating “cases,” spending nights in “haunted houses,” and accounts of his investigations have appeared in the Reports of the various Psychical Societies, and also in his own publications. In “True Ghost Stories,” Mr. Carrington presents a number of startling cases of this character; but they are not the ordinary “ghost stories”—based on pure fiction, and having no foundation in reality. Here we have a well-arranged collection of incidents, all thoroughly investigated and vouched for, and the testimony obtained first-hand and corroborated by others. You will find them here a-plenty!

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The Plague

The Plague

Printed: 4.99 $eBook: 1.99 $

Sergeant Major Andrew McCloud ignored the jangling telephones and the excited jabber of a room full of brass, and lit a cigarette. Somebody had to keep his head in this mess. Everybody was about to flip.

Like the telephone. Two days ago Corporal Bettijean Baker had been answering the rare call on the single line-in that friendly.

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Devil Stories

Devil Stories

Printed: 16.99 $eBook: 3.99 $

Of all the myths which have come down to us from the East, and of all the creations of Western fancy and belief, the Personality of Evil has had the strongest attraction for the mind of man.

The Devil is the greatest enigma that has ever con-fronted the human intelligence. So large a place has Satan taken in our imagination, and we might also say in our heart, that his expulsion therefrom, no matter what philosophy may teach us, must for ever remain an impossibility. As a character in imagi-native literature Lucifer has not his equal in heaven above or on the earth beneath. In contrast to the idea of Good, which is the more exalted in proportion to its freedom from anthropomor-phism, the idea of Evil owes to the presence of this element its chief value as a poetic theme.

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Poirot Investigates

Poirot Investigates

Printed: 11.99 $eBook: 3.99 $

Poirot Investigates is a short story collection written by Agatha Christie and first published in the UK by The Bodley Head in March 1924. In the eleven stories, famed eccentric detective Hercule Poirot solves a variety of mysteries involving greed, jealousy, and revenge.

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Hunted Down

Hunted Down

Printed: 8.99 $eBook: 2.99 $

Charles Dickens pen-name "Boz", was the foremost English novelist of the Victorian era, as well as a vigorous social campaigner.

Charles John Huffam Dickens (1812 – 1870) was an English writer and social critic, who also He created some of the world's most memorable fictional characters and is generally regarded as the greatest novelist of the Victorian period. During his life, his works enjoyed unprecedented fame, and by the twentieth century his literary genius was broadly acknowledged by critics and scholars.

>His novels and short stories continue to be widely popular.

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The Man in the Brown Suit

The Man in the Brown Suit

Printed: 12.99 $eBook: 3.99 $

The Man in the Brown Suit is a work of detective fiction by British writer Agatha Christie, first published in the UK. The character Colonel Race is introduced in this novel.

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