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A Handbook of Anatomy for Art Students
The experience which I have had as a teacher and my acquaintance and sympathy with the requirements of students of Art have led me to the conclusion that hitherto too much stress has been laid on the nomenclature and technical details of Human Anatomy, and too little emphasis placed on the relation of these details to the surface forms. What the student requires is not a minute description of every bone, muscle, and joint, but only such an account as will enable him to appreciate their influence on the modelling of the figure. Names convey little to his mind, forms alone interest him.
More info →Elementary Biology (Human)
In This Book, the judgment of the authors, plant biology should always be considered first and human biology last in the course for the following reasons:
More info →Elementary Biology (Animal)
If properly outlined and presented, there is probably no subject in the school curriculum that can be made of more service to a growing youth than can biology.
Biological problems confront him at every turn, and if he is a normal being, he will have asked himself question after question which an elementary knowledge of biology ought to help him to answer. Some of these questions may be the following:
Easy Lessons in Vegetable Biology or Outlines of Plant Life
THIS BOOK has been prepared for the students of Chautauqua Literary and Fundemental Biologic Scientific Circle. It is also adapted to use in all Schools.
More info →Comparative Anatomy and Physiology
COMPARATIVE ANATOMY is the science of the structure of animals, considered in their relation to one another;
COMPARATIVE PHYSIOLOGY deals with the Functios of the parts of which these animals are made up and by examining different forms that present various kinds of activities it throws light on the essential properties of living matter.
Biology and Its Makers
The book is divided into two sections the first are considered the sources of the ideas except those of organic evolution that dominate biology and the steps by which they have been molded into a unified science. The trine of Organic Evolution on account of its importance is reserved for special consideration in the second section.
More info →Anatomy of the Cat
ALTHOUGH the cat has long been in common use for the practical study of mammalian anatomy, a clear, correct, not too voluminous account of its structure, such as should be in the hands of students in the laboratory, has remained a desideratum. A number of works have been published on the cat, some of them of much value, yet there is none which fulfils exactly the conditions mentioned.
More info →An Atlas of Human Anatomy
The science of human anatomy is purely descriptive in its methods, the field it covers is not very extensive, and its boundaries ara sharply limited; it is, therefore, one of the few sciences in which something closely verging on finality and completeness has been attained. Even, however, if no new anatomical data are likely to be forthcoming, there is yet scope for originality in the method of presentation of those data of which the science now consists; and originality of this kind Professor Toldt's "Atlas of Human Anatomy" exhibits in a high degree. In the many admirable manuals of human anatomy now extant in English, the illustrations, even when numerous, as they are often, and when good, as they are occasionally, form a mere supplement — usually a very imperfect supplement — to the text.
More info →Advanced Biology
MOST adolescent boys and girls are more interested in themselves than in abstract problems. Although colleges emphasize mathematics and languages in their entrance requirements and say little about science, there has been a rapid growth in the number of sciences elected in the high schools.
This is primarily due to the realization that science is more a part of the lives of pupils than other school subjects and an answer to more of their questions.
A TextBook of Veterinary Anatomy
The lack of a modern and well-illustrated book on the structure of the principal domestic animals has been acutely felt for a long time by teachers, students, and practitioners of veterinary medicine. The work here offered is the expression of a desire to close this gap in our literature.
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