Father Goriot

Father Goriot

Printed: 14.99 $eBook: 2.99 $

That word drama has been somewhat discredited of late; it has been overworked and twisted to strange uses in these days of dolorous literature; but it must do service again here, not because this story is dramatic in the restricted sense of the word, but because some tears may perhaps be shed intra et extra muros before it is over.

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A Lincoln Conscript

A Lincoln Conscript

Printed: 11.99 $eBook: 3.99 $

On the second day of July in the year 1863 the Civil War in America was at its height. Late in the preceding month Lee had turned his face northward, and, with an army of a hundred thou-sand Confederate soldiers at his back, had marched up into Penn-sylvania.

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Charles I

Charles I

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KING CHARLES THE FIRST was born in Scotland. It may perhaps surprise the reader that an English king should be born in Scotland. The explanation is this:

They who have read the history of Mary Queen of Scots, will remember that it was the great end and aim of her life to unite the crowns of England and Scotland in her own family. Queen Elizabeth was then Queen of England.

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A Collection of Stories, Reviews and Essays

A Collection of Stories, Reviews and Essays

Printed: 14.99 $eBook: 2.99 $

The most complete collection available of Willa Cather's remarkable short fiction, Collected Stories and Reviews and Essays brings together all the stories published in this one book form during her lifetime along with two additional volumes compiled after her death.

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Emile, is a treatise on the nature of education and on the nature of man written by Jean-Jacques Rousseau, who considered it to be the “best and most important of all my writings”. Due to a section of the book entitled “Profession of Faith of the Savoyard Vicar,” Emile was banned in Paris and Geneva and was publicly burned in 1762, the year of its first publication.

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Callista (A Tale of the Third Century)

Callista (A Tale of the Third Century)

Printed: 16.99 $eBook: 3.99 $

“Love thy God, and love Him only,
And thy breast will ne’er be lonely.
In that One Great Spirit meet
All things mighty, grave, and sweet.
Vainly strives the soul to mingle
With a being of our kind;
Vainly hearts with hearts are twined:
For the deepest still is single.
An impalpable resistance
Holds like natures still at distance.
Mortal: love that Holy One,
Or dwell for aye alone.”
De Vere

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Charles II

Charles II

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KING CHARLES THE SECOND was the son and successor of King Charles the First. These two are the only kings of the name of Charles that have appea-red, thus far, in the line of English sovereigns.

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Alexander’s Bridge

Alexander’s Bridge

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Alexander's Bridge was Willa Cather's first novel. It was originally published in 1912, then released a second time in 1922 after Cather had established her repuation. The second edition contained an author's preface.

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Eve’s Complete Diary

Eve’s Complete Diary

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Eve's Diary is a comic short story by Mark Twain. It is written in the style of a diary kept by the first woman in the Judeo-Christian creation story, Eve, and is claimed to be "translated from the original MS." The "plot" of this novel is the first-person account of Eve from her creation up to her burial by, her mate, Adam, including meeting and getting to know Adam, and exploring the world around her, Eden. The story then jumps 40 years into the future after the Fall and expulsion from Eden.

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Honest Abe

Honest Abe

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HE who seeks to understand the character and achievement of Abraham Lincoln must begin with a study of the man’s honesty. At the base of his nature, in the tap-root and very fiber of his being, pulsed a fidelity to truth, whether of thought or of deed, peculiar to itself. So thoroughgoing was this characteristic that it seems to have begun in him where in other men it generally leaves off. Politicians without number have yielded a work-a-day obedience to the rules of honor, but there is record of no other public leader in recent times who, among the vicissitudes of a trying career, has endeav-ored to balance actions and principles with such painstaking nicety.

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