True Ghost Stories

True Ghost Stories

Printed: 11.99 $eBook: 3.99 $
Genres: Fiction, Horror Books
Publisher: e-Kitap Projesi & Cheapest Books
Publication Year: 2014
Format: (eBook + Printed)
Length: English, 5" x 8" (13 x 21 cm), 220 pages
ASIN: 1502508087
ISBN: 9786155565335

HEREWARD CARRINGTON, author of “True Ghost Stories,” is well known in this country, and in Europe, as a prominent scientific writer on psychical and occult subjects. His writings are well known, and have earned him a high place in psychical circles. He’s a late member of Council of the American Scientific Society, of the American Geographical Society, and of the American Health League. He has travelled all over the country investigating “cases,” spending nights in “haunted houses,” and accounts of his investigations have appeared in the Reports of the various Psychical Societies, and also in his own publications. In “True Ghost Stories,” Mr. Carrington presents a number of startling cases of this character; but they are not the ordinary “ghost stories”—based on pure fiction, and having no foundation in reality. Here we have a well-arranged collection of incidents, all thoroughly investigated and vouched for, and the testimony obtained first-hand and corroborated by others. You will find them here a-plenty!

About the Book

HEREWARD CARRINGTON, author of “True Ghost Stories,” is well known in this country, and in Europe, as a prominent scientific writer on psychical and occult subjects. He has been a member of both the English and American Societies of Psychical Research for more than 15 years; has written over a dozen books on the subject—a number of which has been translated into foreign languages (such as Japanese and Arabic), and he has lectured in London, Paris, Rome, Venice, Milan, Genoa, Turin, etc.—before scientific organizations. His writings are well known, and have earned him a high place in psychical circles.

He’s a late member of the Council of the American Scientific Society, of the American Geographical Society, and of the American Health League. He collaborated in the “American Encyclopædia,” “The Standard Dictionary,” etc. His experience in the investigation of psychical mysteries is unrivalled. He has travelled all over the country investigating “cases,” spending nights in “haunted houses,” and accounts of his investigations have appeared in the Reports of the various Psychical Societies, and also in his own publications.

In “True Ghost Stories,” Mr. Carrington presents a number of startling cases of this character; but they are not the ordinary “ghost stories”—based on pure fiction, and having no foundation in reality. Here we have a well-arranged collection of incidents, all thoroughly investigated and vouched for, and the testimony obtained first-hand and corroborated by others. The chapter on “Haunted Houses” is particularly striking. The first chapter deals with the interesting question, “What is a Ghost?” and attempts to answer this question in the light of the latest scientific theories which have been advanced to explain these supernatural happenings and visitants.

It is a book of absorbing interest, and cannot fail to grip and hold the attention of every reader—no matter whether he be a student of these questions, or one merely in search of hair-raising anecdotes and stories. He will find them here a-plenty!

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