The End Of The World

The End Of The World

Printed: 12.99 $eBook: 3.99 $
Genres: Fantasy Books, Fiction, Romance
Publisher: e-Kitap Projesi & Cheapest Books
Publication Year: 2018
Format: (eBook + Printed)
Length: English, 6" x 9" (15 x 23 cm), 268 pages
Illustrator: Frank Beard
ASIN: 1985217945
ISBN: 9786052259481

"I don't believe that you'd care a cent if she did marry a Dutchman! She might as well as to marry some white folks I know."

Samuel Anderson made no reply. It would be of no use to reply. Shrews are tamed only by silence. Anderson had long since learned that the little shred of influence which remained to him in his own house would disappear whenever his teeth were no longer able to shut his tongue securely in.

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About the Book

Samuel Anderson made no reply. It would be of no use to reply. Shrews are tamed only by silence. Anderson had long since learned that the little shred of influence which remained to him in his own house would disappear whenever his teeth were no longer able to shut his tongue securely in. So now, when his wife poured out this hot lava of argumentum ad hominem, he closed the teeth down in a dead-lock way over the tongue, and compressed the lips tightly over the teeth, and shut his fingernails into his work-hardened palms. And then, distrusting all these precautions, fearing lest he should be unable to hold on to his temper even with this grip, the little man strode out of the house with his wife's shrill voice in his ears. 

Mrs. Anderson had good reason to fear that her daughter was in love with a "Dutchman," as she phrased it in her contempt. The few Germans who had penetrated to the West at that time were looked upon with hardly more favor than the Californians feel for the almond-eyed Chinaman. They were foreigners, who would talk gibberish instead of the plain English which everybody could understand, and they were not yet civilized enough to like the yellow saleratus-biscuit and the "salt-rising" bread of which their neighbors were so fond. Reason enough to hate them!

Only half an hour before this outburst of Mrs. Anderson's, she had set a trap for her daughter Julia, and had fairly caught her. 

"Jule! Jule! O Jul-y-e-ee!" she had called and Julia, who was down in the garden hoeing a bed in which she meant to plant some "Johnny-Jumpups," came quickly toward the house, though she know it would be of no use to come quickly. Let her come quickly, or let her come slowly, the rebuke was sure to greet her all the name. 

"Why don't you come when you're called, I'd like to know! You're never in reach when you're wanted, and you're good for nothing when you are here!"

About the Author
Edward Eggleston

Edward Eggleston, (1837, Vevay, Ind., U.S.—died 1902 N.Y.), clergyman, novelist, and historian who realistically portrayed various sections of the U.S. in such books as The Hoosier School-Master. By the age of 19, Eggleston had become an itinerant preacher, but circuit riding broke his health. He held various pastorates, serving from 1874 to 1879 in Brooklyn; he was an editor of the juvenile paper, Little Corporal (1866–67), the National Sunday School Teacher (1867–73), and other periodicals. In all of his work he sought to write with “photographic exactness” of the real West. The most popular of his books for adults was The Hoosier School-Master (1871), a vivid study of backwoods Indiana. His other novels include The End of the World (1872), The Mystery of Metropolisville (1873), The Circuit Rider: A Tale of the Heroic Age(1874), Roxy (1878), and The Graysons (1888). His later novels and children’s books are considered less significant. After a trip to Europe in 1879 he turned to the writing of history. His Beginners of a Nation(1896) and Transit of Civilization from England to America (1900) contributed to the growth of social history.

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