Parables from Nature

Parables from Nature

Printed: 11.99 $eBook: 4.99 $
Genres: Non-Fiction, Science & Nature & Philosophy Books
Publisher: e-Kitap Projesi & Cheapest Books
Publication Year: 2018
Format: (eBook + Printed)
Length: English, 7" x 10" (16 x 24 cm), 280 pages
Illustrator: Allan F. Barraud
ASIN: 1985152290
ISBN: 9786052259405

"Parables from Nature", a collection includes all 29 stories from the first, second, third, and fourth series, originally published in separate volumes for children that ages 6-12.

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About the Book

"Parables from Nature", a collection includes all 29 stories from the first, second, third, and fourth series, originally published in separate volumes for children that ages 6-12.  

"THERE are two books," says Sir Thomas Browne, in his Religio Medici, "from whence I collect my divinity; besides that written one of God, another of his servant, Nature—that universal and public manuscript that lies expanded unto the eyes of all: those that never saw Him in the one have discovered Him in the other." 

And afterwards, as if giving a particular direction to the above general statement, he adds: "Those strange and mystical transmigrations that I have observed in silkworms turned my philosophy into divinity.

There is in these works of Nature, which seem to puzzle reason, something divine, and hath more in it than the eye of a common spectator doth discover."

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