Children's Books
Robinson Crusoe

Robinson Crusoe

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Robinson Crusoe is the classic castaway novel by Daniel Defoe published in 1719, and it is considered by some to be first real novel in English. It has inspired adventure lovers and pioneer types for nearly 300 years: its images of the shipwrecked Crusoe going about his daily routine of growing corn, raising goats, and generally subsisting on a desert island for 28 years. But things spice up a bit when a band of cannibals show up to the island like it's their local Applebee's.

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Cecily Parsley’s Nursery Rhymes

Cecily Parsley’s Nursery Rhymes

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Though flattered by imitators galore Miss Potter's work stands supreme. Her many picture stories should be among the first books owned by children.

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One day, while my husband was busily at work, I sat beside him reading an old cookery book called The Compleat House-wife: or Accomplish'd Gentlewoman's Companion. In the midst of receipts for "Rabbits, and Chickens mumbled, Pickled Samphire, Skirret Pye, Baked Tansy," and other forgotten deli-cacies, there were directions for the preparation of several lo-tions for the preservation of beauty.

One of these was so charming that I interrupted my husband to read it aloud. "Just what I wanted!" he exclaimed; and the receipt for the "Lily of the Valley Water" was instantly incorporated into Kidnapped.

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The Garden of Eden: “Stories from the first nine books of the Old Testament”

The Garden of Eden: “Stories from the first nine books of the Old Testament”

Printed: 10.99 $eBook: 2.99 $

THIS is the oldest story in the world. It began to be told when children began to ask questions; and that was very long ago. The children said, “Where did everything come from? Who made the hills and the sea? Who made the sun and the stars?” And their fathers and mothers answered as best they could.

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The Tale of Ginger and Pickles

The Tale of Ginger and Pickles

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ONCE upon a time there was a village shop. The name over the window was "Ginger and Pickles."

It was a little small shop just the right size for Dolls—Lucinda and Jane Doll-cook always bought their groceries at Ginger and Pickles.

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The Frog Princess

The Frog Princess

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In days gone by there was a King who had three sons. When his sons came of age the King called them to him and said, "My dear lads, I want you to get married so that I may see your little ones, my grandchildren, before I die."

And his sons replied, "Very well, Father, give us your blessing. Who do you want us to marry?"

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Forty-four Turkish Fairy Tales

Forty-four Turkish Fairy Tales

Printed: 19.99 $eBook: 3.99 $

THE STORIES comprising this collection have been culled with my own hands in the many-hued garden of Turkish folklore. They have not been gathered from books, for Turkey is not a literary land, and no books of the kind exist; but, an attentive listener to "THE STORY-TELLER" who form a peculiar feature of the social life of the Ottomans, I have jotted them down from time to time, and now present them, a choice bouquet, to the English reading public.

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Tales of the Punjab

Tales of the Punjab

Printed: 16.99 $eBook: 3.99 $

MANY of the tales in this collection appeared either in the Indian Antiquary, the Calcutta Review, or the Legends of the Punjab. They were then in the form of literal translations, in many cases uncouth or even unpresentable to ears polite, in all scarcely intelligible to the untravelled English reader; for it must be remembered that, with the exception of the Adventures of Raja Rasâlu, all these stories are strictly folk-tales passing current among a people who can neither read nor write, and whose diction is full of colloquialisms, and, if we choose to call them so, vulgarisms. It would be manifestly unfair, for instance, to compare the literary standard of such tales with that of the Arabian Nights, the Tales of a Parrot, or similar works.

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Old Hungarian Fairy Tales

Old Hungarian Fairy Tales

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THERE lies before me, as I write, a quaint old book; from this little book—torn and soiled, its edges all gone—nearly all the stories in this volume are drawn.

In their earliest childhood Hungarian children hear the story of "Forget-me-Not" (Nfelejts), the history of the "Twin Hunchbacks", and the doings of the wicked Sultana in the "Magic Cat"

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Dutch Fairy Tales

Dutch Fairy Tales

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William Elliot Griffis, was born in Philadelphia in 1843, author William Elliot Griffis was an extremely prolific author and published several books of fairy tales in the 1900's. An active minister in the United States in the 1800's, he worked in several churches in Boston and New York, before retiring from ministry in 1903 to write and lecture. His extensive bibliography includes works about Japanese culture and heritage, and he helped author Inazo Nitobe write the renowned Bushido: The Soul of Japan.

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