The Missing Prince

The Missing Prince

Printed: 11.99 $eBook: 2.99 $
Genres: Children's Books, Fiction, Young & Adult/Teen
Publisher: e-Kitap Projesi & Cheapest Books
Publication Year: 2015
Format: (eBook + Printed)
Length: English, 5" x 8" (13 x 21 cm), 226 pages
Narrator: Harry Furniss
Illustrator: Dorothy Furniss
ASIN: 1517522986
ISBN: 9786059285438

In the Preface to my last book I told you that when I closed my eyes I seemed to see hundreds of dear Children's faces turned towards me asking for a story; and now, as so many copies of that book have been sold, I am bound to believe that not hundreds, but thousands, of little friends, to whom I was this time last year a stranger, are expecting another story from my pen.

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About the Book

Some of you may perhaps have seen the very kind things which so many of the papers said about "The Wallypug of Why." Now I am going to tell you a secret, even at the risk of seeming ungrateful to them.

It is this. Much as I value their kind opinion, and proud and happy as I am that my book has met with their approval, I value your criticism even more highly than theirs, and I am going to ask you to do me a great favour. 

I have had so many letters from little friends about "The Wallypug of Why" that it has made me greedy, and, like Oliver, I want more. So will you please write me a letter too, your very own self, telling me just what you think of these two books, and also what kind of story you want after my next one, which is to be a School story, called "Schooldays at St. Vedast's," and which will be published almost as soon as this one is?

I did think of writing a story about pet animals, for I am very fond of them; so if you can tell me anything interesting about your dogs or cats, rabbits, or other favourites, I may perhaps find room for the account in my book.

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