The Man with the Pan Pipes

The Man with the Pan Pipes

Printed: 8.99 $eBook: 2.99 $
Genres: Children's Books, Fiction
Publisher: e-Kitap Projesi & Cheapest Books
Publication Year: 2016
Format: (eBook + Printed)
Length: English, 5" x 8" (13 x 21 cm), 120 pages
Illustrator: W. J. Morgan
ISBN: 9786059285773

Then I was a little girl, which is now a good many years ago, there came to spend some time with us a cousin who had been brought up in Germany.

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About the Book

She was almost grown-up—to me, a child of six or seven, she seemed quite grown-up; in reality, she was, I suppose, about fifteen or sixteen. She was a bright, kind, good-natured girl, very anxious to please and amuse her little English cousins, especially me, as I was the only girl.

But she had not had much to do with small children; above all, delicate children, and she was so strong and hearty herself that she did not understand anything about nervous fears and fancies.

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