The Brown Owl

The Brown Owl

Printed: 8.99 $eBook: 2.99 $
Genres: Children's Books, Fiction
Publisher: e-Kitap Projesi & Cheapest Books
Publication Year: 2016
Format: (eBook + Printed)
Length: English, 5.5" x 8.5" (14 x 22 cm), 128 pages
Illustrator: F. Madox Brown
ISBN: 9786059654418

ONCE upon a time, a long while ago—in fact long before Egypt had risen to power and before Rome or Greece had ever been heard of—and that was some time before you were born, you know—there was a king who reigned over a very large and powerful kingdom.

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About the Book

ONCE upon a time, a long while ago—in fact long before Egypt had risen to power and before Rome or Greece had ever been heard of—and that was some time before you were born, you know—there was a king who reigned over a very large and powerful kingdom.

Now this king was rather old, he had founded his kingdom himself, and he had reigned over it nine hundred and ninety-nine and a half years already. As I have said before, it was a very large kingdom, for it contained, among other things, the whole of the western half of the world. The rest of the world was divided into smaller kingdoms, and each kingdom was ruled over by separate princes, who, however, were none of them so old as Intafernes, as he was called.

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