Secrets of Mental Supremacy

Secrets of Mental Supremacy

Printed: 9.99 $
Genres: Non-Fiction, Self-İmprovement Books
Publisher: e-Kitap Projesi & Cheapest Books
Publication Year: 2017
Format: (Printed)
Length: English, 5.5" x 8.5" (14 x 22 cm), 140 pages
ASIN: 1542457890
ISBN: 9781542457897

In a recent article in a leading French scientific journal, a well-known scientist. Dr. A. Peres, has presented some ideas which are so thoroughly in accord with my own observations extending over many years, that I yield to the temptation to quote. Dr. Peres first makes note of modern degeneracy in this respect. I append a free translation of a few extracts which seem to me especially worthy of attention: —

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Have we naught but arms and legs? Have we not also eyes and ears? And are not these latter organs necessary to the use of the former?  Exercise then not the muscles only, but the senses that control them.' Thus was a celebrated hilosopher wont to express himself.  

Nevertheless when we measure acuteness of vision we find that it is becoming weaker; hardness of hearing is on the increase; we suffer daily from lack of skill in workmen, in domestics, in ourselves; as to taste and smell, they are used up — thus do the inevitable laws of atavism act.

The trouble is that, despite Rousseau's objurgations, we have always paid too little attention to the hygiene and education of the senses, giving all our care to the development of physical strength and vigor..

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