Marie Elisabeth Cave

Marie-Elizabeth was a painter, a student of Camille Roqueplan, and was married to the painter Clément Boulanger.

She met Delacroix during the famous masked ball at the 1833 Carnaval organized by Alexandre Dumas. A love affair blossomed between the two painters, although after an escapade in Flanders in September 1839, their relationship transformed into a deep friendship, tinged with nostalgia.

In 1843 she was remarried to François Cave, then head of the Beaux-Arts at the Interior Ministry. In 1860 she published an essay on drawing, which was reprinted in 1862, with a preface by Delacroix.

Color “The Cave Method of Drawing for Students”

Color “The Cave Method of Drawing for Students”

Printed: 9.99 $

The Commission nominated by Your Excellency to give its opinion upon the method of Madame Cave, and upon the question as to whether that method can be introduced into the schools, has the honor of presenting to Your Excellency the results of the examination that it has made.

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