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Constantinople – Old and New
I, a Persian and an Ispahani, had ever been accustomed to hold my native city as the first in the world:
“Never had it crossed my mind that any other could, in the smallest degree, enter into competition with it, and when the capital of Roum was described to me as finer, I always laughed the describer to scorn. But what was my astonishment, and I may add mortification, on beholding, for the first time, this magnificent city! I had always looked upon the royal mosque, in the great square at Ispahan, as the most superb building in the world; but here were a hundred finer, each surpassing the other in beauty and in splendour. It is Stamboul or ancient name is Constantinople.”
J. J. MORIER, " The Adventures oj Hajji Baba of Ispahan."