Welcome to the *CHEAPEST BOOKs  the world’s leading source of cheapest ebooks online store, you will find out thousands of online e-bookstore and new opportunities for publishing your new Books online here with many online wholesaler e-book and print version.

We offer a vast range of titles in digital format and our collection is growing all the time. We offer titles in every subject category in multiple formats, so you are sure to find a title of interest in a format compatible with your needs.

Our Books:

Our Publishing Team has created its collection of numerous classic eBooks, specifically dedicated to bringing back in eBook form works of worthy authors. Included in our current and forthcoming list of some 500 titles includes A Christmas Carol, A Journey to the Center of the Earth, A Martian Odyssey, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Cinderella and list continues.

   As part of our mission to publish great works of literary fiction and nonfiction, e-Kitap Projesi & Cheapest Books Publishing has begun its publishing empire with some of the most popular and beloved classic eBooks. We are extremely dedicated to bringing to the forefront the amazing works of long dead and truly talented authors.

Our Publisher Services:

We specialise in advising and helping authors to get their books into print in a professional manner. The self-publishing route is not right for everyone but is however a popular and successful way of proceeding for a large number of people.

   The process to convert and distribute our eBook titles can be quite time consuming, but the work is beyond worth the effort, with us having some of the most colorful and delightful covers you have seen in a while. We also hope to eventually add print/ ebooks to our beautiful catalogue.

We have been helping authors all over the world to realise their publishing dreams in many genres for over 15 years. Nothing can beat the sense of achievement and pride you will feel once your book is actually in print and you have a copy in your hand.

We use Adobe® Creative industry-standard design tools, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Digital Management (for security protecting your e-books) CS5.5 laying out top-quality print documents with elegant typography. Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Acrobat Professional for editing digital images, creating vector graphics.

We also extend beyond print with dynamic eBooks and digital documents that marry interactivity with the quality of traditional print design. We are also use of Lulu’s most recognized creators of EPUB’s for the Apple iPad as well as creating Mobi format ebooks for the Kindle.


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