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Count of Monte Cristo

Count of Monte Cristo

Printed: 26.99 $eBook: 3.49 $

The Count of Monte Cristo (is an adventure novel by French author Alexandre Dumas (père). Completed in 1844, it is one of the author's most popular works, along with The Three Musketeers. The story takes place in France, Italy, islands in the Mediterranean, and in the Levant during the historical events of 1815–1838. It begins from just before the Hundred Days period (when Napoleon returned to power after his exile) and spans through to the reign of Louis-Philippe of France. The historical setting is a fundamental element of the book. An adventure story primarily concerned with themes of hope, justice, vengeance, mercy and forgiveness, it focuses on a man who is wrongfully imprisoned, escapes from jail, acquires a fortune and sets about getting revenge on those responsible for his imprisonment. However, his plans have devastating consequences for the innocent as well as the guilty.
The book is considered a literary classic today. According to Luc Sante, "The Count of Monte Cristo has become a fixture of Western civilization's literature, as inescapable and immediately identifiable as Mickey Mouse, Noah's flood, and the story of Little Red Riding Hood."

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Tragedy of Julius Caesar

Tragedy of Julius Caesar

Printed: 9.99 $eBook: 2.99 $

The Tragedy of Julius Caesar is a tragedy by William Shakespeare, believed to have been written in 1599. It portrays the 44 BC conspiracy against the Roman dictator Julius Caesar, his assassination and the defeat of the conspirators at the Battle of Philippi. It is one of several plays written by Shakespeare based on true events from Roman history, which also include Coriolanus and Antony and Cleopatra.
Although the title is Julius Caesar, Julius Caesar is not the most visible character in its action; he appears in only five scenes. Marcus Brutus speaks more than four times as many lines, and the central psychological drama is his struggle between the conflicting demands of honor, patriotism, and friendship.

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Gulliver’s Travels

Gulliver’s Travels

Printed: 14.99 $eBook: 3.49 $

Travels into Several Remote Nations of the World. In Four Parts. By Lemuel Gulliver, First a Surgeon, and then a Captain of Several Ships, better known simply as Gulliver's Travels (1726, amended 1735), is a novel by Anglo-Irish writer and clergyman Jonathan Swift, that is both a satire on human nature and a parody of the "travellers' tales" literary sub-genre. It is Swift's best known full-length work, and a classic of English literature.

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Grimms’ Complete Fairy Tales {Illustrated}

Grimms’ Complete Fairy Tales {Illustrated}

Printed: 16.99 $eBook: 3.49 $

Children's and Household Tales (German: Kinder- und Hausmärchen) is a collection of German fairy tales first published in 1812 by the Grimm brothers, Jacob and Wilhelm. The collection is commonly known in the Anglosphere as Grimm's Fairy Tales (German: Grimms Märchen).
The first volume of the first edition was published, containing 86 stories; the second volume of 70 stories followed in 1814. For the second edition, two volumes were issued in 1819 and a third in 1822, totalling 170 tales. The third edition appeared in 1837; fourth edition, 1840; fifth edition, 1843; sixth edition, 1850; seventh edition, 1857. Stories were added, and also subtracted, from one edition to the next, until the seventh held 211 tales. All editions were extensively illustrated, first by Philipp Grot Johann and, after his death in 1892, by Robert Leinweber.

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Metamorphosis {Illustrated}

Metamorphosis {Illustrated}

eBook: 2.99 $

MetamorphosisThe Metamorphosis (German: Die Verwandlung, also sometimes translated as The Transformation) is a novella by Franz Kafka, first published in 1915. It has been cited as one of the seminal works of fiction of the 20th century and is studied in colleges and universities across the Western world. The story begins with a traveling salesman, Gregor Samsa, waking to find himself transformed (metamorphosed) into a large, monstrous insect-like creature. The cause of Samsa's transformation is never revealed, and Kafka never did give an explanation. The rest of Kafka's novella deals with Gregor's attempts to adjust to his new condition as he deals with being burdensome to his parents and sister, who are repulsed by the horrible, verminous creature Gregor has become.

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14.99 $ (Basılı)eBook: 2.99 $ (eKitap)

Bu kitap bir bilgilendirmedir…
Bu kitap… her şeyden önce bir gerçek..
Öncesinde bir kurgu, öncesinde bir öykü…
Öncesinde bir hayal…ama hayal edilen şey gerçekte olacakların ta kendisi…

Bu dünyada herkese ait bir umut dalgası var..
Kimisi onu yaşar, kimisi yaşayamaz..
Kimi görür, kimi görmez! Onu yaşlı görmek hepimizin çaresizliği… Umutsuzluğu!

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39.99 $ (Basılı)eBook: 8.99 $ (eKitap)

Kainatın meydana gelişini izah eden “Büyük Patlama” (Big Bang) isimli popüler teori yerine, İzafiyet teorisinin 5. boyuta genelleştirilmesi şeklinde tanımlanabilen ve kuvvetli bir matematiksel altyapıyla, yaklaşık 13 yıllık bir felsefi düşünce mantığı ve uzunca bir çalışmanın sonucu ortaya çıkardığım bu teori; kainatın Başlangıçta nasıl yaratıldığını ve Sonu hakkında da bazı önemli ipuçları vermektedir. 21. Yüzyılın bu YENİ Fizik kuramı, bu genişletilmiş kaliteli baskısı ile, 100 yeni teorem ve yaklaşık 1000 adet orjinal Grafik çizimlerle, her kütüphanede bulunması gereken bir FİZİK & KOZMOLOJİ BAŞYAPITI'dır..

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Printed: 17.99 $eBook: 3.49 $

The Odyssey begins ten years after the end of the ten-year Trojan War (that is the subject of the Iliad), and Odysseus has still not returned home from the war. Odysseus' son Telemachus is about 20 years old and is sharing his absent father’s house on the island of Ithaca with his mother Penelope and a crowd of 108 boisterous young men, "the Suitors", whose aim is to persuade Penelope to marry one of them, all the while enjoying the hospitality of Odysseus' household and eating up his wealth. Odysseus’ protectress, the goddess Athena, discusses his fate with Zeus, king of the gods, at a moment when Odysseus' enemy, the god of the sea Poseidon, is absent from Mount Olympus. Then, disguised as a Taphian chieftain named Mentes, she visits Telemachus to urge him to search for news of his father. He offers her hospitality; they observe the Suitors dining rowdily while the bard Phemius performs a narrative poem for them. Penelope objects to Phemius' theme, the "Return from Troy".

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Printed: 19.99 $eBook: 3.49 $

In Leviathan, Hobbes set out his doctrine of the foundation of states and legitimate governments – originating social contract theory. Leviathan was written during the English Civil War; much of the book is occupied with demonstrating the necessity of a strong central authority to avoid the evil of discord and civil war. Beginning from a mechanistic understanding of human beings and the passions, Hobbes postulates what life would be like without government, a condition which he calls the state of nature. In that state, each person would have a right, or license, to everything in the world. This, Hobbes argues, would lead to a "war of all against all" (bellum omnium contra omnes).

The description conains what has been called one of the best known passages in English philosophy, which describes the natural state mankind would be in, were it not for political community: In such condition, there is no place for industry; because the fruit thereof is uncertain: and consequently no culture of the earth.

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The Prince

The Prince

Printed: 11.99 $eBook: 3.49 $

The Prince (Italian: Il Principe) is a political treatise by the Italian diplomat, historian and political theorist Niccolò Machiavelli. From correspondence a version appears to have been distributed in 1513, using a Latin title, De Principatibus (About Principalities). But the printed version was not published until 1532, five years after Machiavelli's death. This was done with the permission of the Medici pope Clement VII, but "long before then, in fact since the first appearance of the Prince in manuscript, controversy had swirled about his writings" Although it was written as if it were a traditional work in the Mirror of Princes style, it is generally agreed that it was especially innovative, and not only because it was written in Italian rather than Latin. The Prince is sometimes claimed to be one of the first works of modern philosophy, in which the effective truth is taken to be more important than any abstract ideal..

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