Are you a writer?

  And have you a writen book?

But never published anywhere! Here you are my friend. This opportunity for publishing your book online, now able to simply and basicly with us..

We will do it for you, in some great online book retailers i.e, and Ingram Spark ..

And also, by Smashwords your book distributed many online e-book and print book retailer, such as, Barbes & Noble, Taylor & Baker, Kobo books, Sony e-books, Diesel e-books and Apple i-books, many Bookstores.

How will us do it? Come, let me tell you that now:



We have three “PUBLISHING PACKET” as named follow:

1. E-BOOK PACKET (Only E-Book publishing)

2. PREMIUM PACKET (E-Book but also Print Book publishing)

3. PROFESSIONAL PACKET (Widespread E-Book and Print Publishing + Kindle Format)

Now, we can tell them more detailed as follow:

I. E-BOOK PACKET: Your book is published only as e-Books format, and is connected to the web sites available for sale to the public, commercial and other whosale e-book trade markers such as:, Barnes & Noble, Taylor & Baker, Kobo books, Overdrive and Apple i-books, many Bookstores and the Organizations of the international Publishers’ stands. If number of pages of your book (24-740 page) does not change, regardless of the package as long as price is the same and unique. In addition, we have set up in the name of the Publisher of your e-book and Author page is provided through the web site of publishers, also listed our web site to linked main distributors. So, your e-books set up for sale abroad and at home web sites, and indexed in Google Search Engines. If your e-book need extra editorial correction and cover design, are paid an extra charge of editorial work.

 PRICING: Just One E-Book: 199 €

Extra Editorial & Cover Design: 99 €.
(including all interior and cover files)


e-Book Publishing process:


    e-books Distribution process:


 A variety of e-book reading devices:

eReaders capable of reading Publicious's ePub ebooks


II. PREMIUM PACKET: (Print + E-Book classic solution package) Your book is published as both E-book and Printed book as well as your book is up for sale on web sites in international Booksalers that is linked and indexed to the Google and Global organizational web publishing sources. If number of pages of your book (24-740 page) does not change, regardless of the package as long as price is the same and unique. In addition, we have set up in the name of your website are indexed on Google, is on sale at Global wholesalers and over the our web site that linked to the, Barnes & Noble, Taylor & Baker, Kobo books, Overdrive and Apple i-books, many Bookstores and the Organizations of the international Publishers’ stands.
In addition, we have set up in the name of the Publisher of your book and Author page is provided through the web site of publishers, also listed our web site to linked main distributors. So, your books set up for sale abroad and at home web sites, and indexed in Google Search Engines. If your book need extra editorial correction and cover design, are paid an extra charge of editorial work. After publishing your books, we will send three copy of your books.. 

PRICING: Just One Book: 399 €.
Extra Editorial & Cover Design: 99 €.
(including all interior and cover files)

III. PROFESSIONAL PACKET: (Print + E-Book + Kindle Book) professional solution package, In Generally, proposed package for professional writers.) Your book is published as both E-book and Printed book as well as your book is up for sale on web sites in international Booksalers that is linked and indexed to the Google and Global organizational web publishing sources. If number of pages of your book (24-740 page) does not change, regardless of the package as long as price is the same and unique. In addition, we have set up in the name of your website are indexed on Google, is on sale at Global wholesalers and over the our web site that linked to the, Barnes & Noble, Taylor & Baker, Kobo books, Overdrive and Apple i-books, , many Bookstores.. and the Organizations of the international Publishers’ stands.

In addition, we have set up in the name of the Publisher of your book and Author page is provided through the web site of publishers, also listed our web site to linked main distributors. So, your books set up for sale abroad and at home web sites, and indexed in Google Search Engines. If your book need extra editorial correction and cover design, are paid an extra charge of editorial work. After publishing your books, we will send three copy of your books..

At the same time, your book set up for sale kindle format in


PRICING: Just One Book: 499 €.

Extra Editorial & Cover Design: 99 €.
(including all interior and cover files)





So, After all of these publishing procedure, you have to do “ONE THING” to begin online publishing schedule of your books.

Firstly, You must send your book file in “WORD” format (also must be available of the name of book, sub-name and writer’s name) BY E-MAİL (mailed to: and then when reached the work, publishing schedule will be begun.

Secondly, Publishing packet payments only have been accepted by via “CREDIT CARD” (We will contact during publication procedure for payment). Because, we have been only used to this payment system for safe and available. Our payment page and publishing packets HERE, (Have Secure & 124-Byte SSL Certificate) :

Thirdly, With your book file, in additionally you need to send below informations for “REGISTRATION”: 

For publication of your book before applying to us, thats 10 steps to perform and release, you must prepare yourself before (Pre-publish) process:

NOTE: These informations are “MANDATORY”!

NOTE: We only accept in “TURKISH” , “ENGLISH” and “RUSSIAN” BOOKs.

If you have a book except these language, you must translate into English, Russian or Turkish.. 

1– You must specify the name of your book will not be changeable first.
2– Then, you should send us your work you are prepared in Word format by via e-mail. Although the work must be finished and edited in Word format. In addition, if you are not brief history to you in the book or if you do not have a resume and a brief summary of the book must be in addition to it.
3– In addition, if you have a cover design also e-mailed us or tell its features in your minds. If you don’t have a cover design not problem! We work for you, an appropriate cover design for an extra fee.
4– In addition, your open adress that using continuously, can be reached by mail.
5– Phone,
6– Your full name, with surname,
7– Pay-pal address (Just for setting your Royalties),
8– Your e-mail address using continuously,
9– Wanted dimensions of your books for publishing (length and width of the book), If you want to publish as a print format, have to hold a base book-price for retailer booksales such as lulu. You can also publish your book in color, but the cost is high for your book in color printing format, but you can do it. Also Publishing of your book, we recommend that you publish in print with black and white. E-books, they are published in color and black and white format , so separation won’t be problem.
10– We will promote your book to our web site for you, let us select a Domain address that is fixed and you should send by e-mail. If you couldn’t create an appropriate domain name in your mind, no problem. We select for you and your book, an appropriate domain name is the address of the web site (for example, “www.publisher’s domain-my author“), we’ll send instantly links in Google and other search engines..


You can also publish “YOUR BOOK” WITH US!
Hurry, Contact US:


You can send your Book File from Here! And Get ready it for Publication in the form of Paperback or E-Book Format..

Some of our Cover & Book Designs:

The Brothers Karamazov

The Brothers Karamazov

Printed: 27.99 $eBook: 3.99 $

Although Dostoyevsky began his first notes for The Brothers Karamazov in April 1878, he had written several unfinished works years earlier. The Brothers Karamazov is Fyodor Dostoyevsky's final, perhaps most masterful novel. It is a deeply passionate and philosophical novel that delves into the difficult terrain of free will, morality, faith, doubt, reason, with ever-modernizing Russia as its setting.

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White Fang

White Fang

Printed: 12.99 $eBook: 2.99 $

Dark spruce forest frowned on either side the frozen waterway. The trees had been stripped by a recent wind of their white covering of frost, and they seemed to lean towards each other, black and ominous, in the fading light. A vast silence reigned over the land. The land itself was a desolation, lifeless, without movement, so lone and cold that the spirit of it was not even that of sadness. There was a hint in it of laughter, but of a laughter more terrible than any sadness—a laughter that was mirthless as the smile of the sphinx, a laughter cold as the frost and partaking of the grimness of infallibility. It was the masterful and incommunicable wisdom of eternity laughing at the futility of life and the effort of life. It was the Wild, the savage, frozen-hearted Northland Wild.

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Printed: 25.99 $eBook: 3.99 $

Emile, is a treatise on the nature of education and on the nature of man written by Jean-Jacques Rousseau, who considered it to be the “best and most important of all my writings”. Due to a section of the book entitled “Profession of Faith of the Savoyard Vicar,” Emile was banned in Paris and Geneva and was publicly burned in 1762, the year of its first publication.

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The Sorrows of Young Werther

The Sorrows of Young Werther

Printed: 12.99 $eBook: 2.99 $

MAY 4.
How happy I am that I am gone! My dear friend, what a thing is the heart of man! To leave you, from whom I have been inseparable, whom I love so dearly, and yet to feel happy! I know you will forgive me. Have not other attachments been specially appointed by fate to torment a head like mine? Poor Leonora! and yet I was not to blame. Was it my fault, that, whilst the peculiar charms of her sister afforded me an agreeable entertainment, a passion for me was engendered in her feeble heart? And yet am I wholly blameless? Did I not encourage her emotions?

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El Principito

El Principito

Printed: 11.99 $eBook: 2.99 $

«El Principito habita un pequeñísimo asteroide, que comparte con una flor caprichosa y tres volcanes. Pero tiene “problemas” con la flor y empieza a experimentar la soledad. Hasta que decide abandonar el planeta en busca de un amigo. Buscando esa amistad recorre varios planetas, habitados sucesivamente por un rey, un vanidoso, un borracho, un hombre de negocios, un farolero, un geógrafo… El concepto de “seriedad” que tienen estas “personas mayores” le deja perplejo y confuso. Prosiguiendo su búsqueda llega al planeta Tierra, pero, en su enorme extensión y vaciedad, siente más que nunca la soledad. Una serpiente le da su versión pesimista sobre los hombres y lo poco que se puede esperar de ellos. Tampoco el zorro contribuye a mejorar su opinión, pero en cambio le enseña el modo de hacerse amigos: hay que crear lazos, hay que dejarse “domesticar”. Y al final le regala su secreto: “Sólo se ve bien con el corazón. Lo esencial es invisible a los ojos”. De pronto el Principito se da cuenta de que su flor le ha “domesticado” y decide regresar a su planeta valiéndose de los medios expeditivos que le ofrece la serpiente. Y es entonces cuando entra en contacto con el aviador, también el hombre habrá encontrado un amigo…»

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The Decameron (Volume I)

The Decameron (Volume I)

Printed: 19.99 $eBook: 3.99 $

Son of a merchant, Boccaccio di Chellino di Buonaiuto, of Certaldo in Val d'Elsa, a little town about midway between Empoli and Siena, but within the Florentine "contado," Gio-vanni Boccaccio was born, most probably at Paris, in the year 1313. His mother, at any rate, was a Frenchwoman, whom his father seduced during a sojourn at Paris, and afterwards deserted. So much as this Boccaccio has himself told us, under a transparent veil of allegory, in his Ameto. Of his mother we would fain know more, for his wit has in it a quality, especially noticeable in the Tenth Novel of the Sixth Day of the Decameron, which marks him out as the forerunner of Rabelais, and prompts us to ask how much more his genius may have owed to his French ancestry. His father was of sufficient standing in Florence to be chosen Prior in 1321; but this brief term of office—but two months—was his last, as well as his first experience of public life. Of Boccaccio's early years we know nothing more than that his first preceptor was the Florentine grammarian, Giovanni da Strada, father of the poet Zanobi da Strada, and that, when he was about ten years old, he was bound apprentice to a merchant, with whom he spent the next six years at Paris, whence he returned to Florence with an inveterate repugnance to commerce.

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Winter Dreams

Winter Dreams

Printed: 9.99 $eBook: 2.99 $

SOME of the caddies were poor as sin and lived in one-room houses with a neurasthenic cow in the front yard, but Dexter Green's father owned the second best grocery-store in Black Bear—the best one was "The Hub," patronized by the wealthy people from Sherry Island—and Dexter caddied on-ly for pocket-money. 

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Luna Benamor

Luna Benamor

Printed: 12.99 $eBook: 2.99 $

LUIS AGUIRRE had been living in Gibraltar for about a month. He had arrived with the intention of sailing at once upon a vessel bound for Oceanica, where he was to assume his post as a consul to Australia. It was the first important voyage of his diplomatic career.

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Three Ghost Stories

Three Ghost Stories

Printed: 9.99 $eBook: 1.99 $

Though best known for his heartwarming holiday tales and sweeping social novels such as A Tale of Two Cities and Great Expectations, Charles Dickens was a prolific writer who was always willing to experiment with new styles. The chilling tales collected in Three Ghost Stories are a result of his brief but successful foray into the mystery and detective genres.

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Les Misérables

Les Misérables

Printed: 39.99 $eBook: 4.99 $

Les Miserables is a French historical novel by Victor Hugo, first published in 1862, that is considered one of the greatest novels of the 19th century. In the English-speaking world, the novel is usually referred to by its original French title.

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