Masnawi Sacred Texts of Islam {BOOK THREE}

Masnawi Sacred Texts of Islam {BOOK THREE}

Printed: 13.99 $eBook: 1.99 $
Series: Black Line Religion Books, Book 0
Genres: İslam Living, Religion
Publisher: e-Kitap Projesi & Cheapest Books
Publication Year: 2014
Format: (eBook + Printed)
Length: English, 6" x 9" (15 x 23 cm), 142 pages
Narrator: M. Rumi
ASIN: 1304798453
ISBN: 9781304792884

Book three of the Masnavi must be read in order to understand the other first two volumes. It also includes popular stories from the local bazaar to fables, tales from Rumi’s time. Story I: The Travelers who Young Elephant Story II: The Villager who invited Townsman to visit him Story III: The Jackal who pretended to be a Peacock Story IV: Moses and Pharaoh Story V: The Elephant in a Dark Room

About the Book

Table of Contents

Story I: The Travelers who ate the Young Elephant.

Story II: The Villager who invited the Townsman to visit him

Story III: The Jackal who pretended to be a Peacock

Story IV: Moses and Pharaoh

Story V: The Elephant in a Dark Room

Story VI: The Lover who read Sonnets to his Mistress

Story VII: The Man who prayed earnestly to be fed without work

Story VIII: The Boys and their Teacher

Story IX: The Darvesh who Broke his Vow

Story X: The Old Man who made no Lamentation at the Death of his Sons

Story XI: Bahlol and the Darvesh

Story XII: The Visions seen by the Saint Daquqi

Story XIII: The People of Saba

Story XIV: Miracles performed by the Prophet Muhammad

Story XV: The Man who asked Moses to teach him the language of animals

Story XVI: The Woman who lost all her infants

Story XVII: The Vakil of the Prince of Bokhara

Story XVIII: Deadly Mosque


Story I

Travelers Who Ate the Young Elephant

A PARTY of travelers lost their way in a wilderness, and were well nigh famished with hunger. While they were considering what to do, a sage came up and condoled with them on their unfortunate plight. He told them that there were many young elephants in the adjacent woods, one of which would furnish them an ample meal, but at the same time he warned them that if they killed one, its parents would in all probability track them out and be revenged on them for killing their offspring. Shortly after the travelers saw a plump young elephant, and could not resist killing and eating it. One alone refrained. Then they lay down to rest; but no sooner were they fast asleep than a huge elephant made his appearance and proceeded to smell the breath of each one of the sleepers in turn. Those whom he perceived to have eaten of the young elephant's flesh he slew without mercy, sparing only the one who had been prudent enough to abstain.

About the Author
Mawlana Rumi

Mawlana Jalāl ad-Dīn Muhammad Rumi (رومی or also known as Jalāl ad-Dīn Muhammad Rūmī , and more popularly in the English-speaking world simply as Rumi (30 September 1207 – 17 December 1273), was a 13th-century Persian poet, jurist, theologian, and Sufi mystic.
Iranians, Turks, Afghans, Tajiks, and other Central Asian Muslims as well as the Muslims of South Asia have greatly appreciated his spiritual legacy in the past seven centuries. Rumi's importance is considered to transcend national and ethnic borders. His poems have been widely translated into many of the world's languages and transposed into various formats. In 2007, he was described as the "most popular poet in America." Rumi's works are written in Persian and his Mathnawi remains one of the purest literary glories of Persia, and one of the crowning glories of the Persian language. His original works are widely read today in their original language across the Persian-speaking world (Iran, Tajikistan, Afghanistan and parts of Persian speaking Central Asia). Translations of his works are very popular in other countries. His poetry has influenced Persian literature as well as Urdu, Punjabi, Turkish and some other Iranian, Turkic and Indic languages written in Perso-Arabic script e.g. Pashto, Ottoman Turkish, Chagatai and Sindhi.

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